Natural Environment

Whether they are practised indoors or outdoors, not only events themselves but also everyday operations and occasional maintenance can be the source of significant nuisances. These nuisances can affect both the flora and fauna and the local community in the imminent surroundings. Noise, light, soil, air pollution as well as as littering caused by the practice of sports can have long-term consequences on the local ecosystems. It is therefore essential for the sport entities to review their practices and put them in the function of the surrounding ecosystems as sport venues often occupy large areas of land. More and more European and national policies are aiming at stopping biodiversity loss, especially in urban areas – something that might sound irrelevant to sports yet sports can play a significant role in it.

This module allows you to evaluate your performance in terms of respect for the natural habitat, contribution to healthy ecosystems and providing a boost for it to thrive. At the same time, this module also reflects the need of a healthy relationship between you and you imminent neighbourhood.

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