Sport Zéro Plastique is a project aiming to eliminate single-use plastic in amateur sport in Paris. The objective: to demonstrate that the best practices emerging in the field can put plastic on the side-lines. The method: use team spirit and competition to encourage clubs to accelerate their actions in favour of ecological transition.
General description of the initiative
The Parisian Climate Agency (APC) and the City of Paris, in partnership with ADEME Ile-de-France, MAIF and with the support of many actors, launched the Sport Zero Plastic project in early 2021, which aims to mobilize Parisian amateur sport in the fight against plastic waste. This project is part of the City of Paris’ “Olympic Transformations” program, one of whose ambitions is to put an end to single-use plastic by the 2024 Olympic Games, and as part of the of actions of the City of Paris 2021.
This project aims to promote the best initiatives to fight against single-use plastic in sports practice, and it includes 3 components: the organization of a challenge between 10 sports clubs; the implementation of tools and equipment to act within the establishments; the support of an amateur championship towards zero plastic and the development of recommendations applicable by all.
The Sport Zéro Plastique project aims to make these first pilot projects examples that serve the 500 sports facilities of the City of Paris and the 2,000 clubs that use them. These experiments will serve the City of Paris, which has set itself the goal of achieving zero single-use plastic by 2024.
Emmanuelle BOISSIER (Project Coordinator),